Zooming In and Out

The Zoom Slider tool, as well as Enlarge and Reduce options, enable you to adjust the magnification of any page on forms, schedules, or worksheets for the return you have open.


The Enlarge and Reduce options adjust the size in 25% increments.

To enlarge or reduce the page (form):

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Click the Tools menu; then, click Enlarge or Reduce. 
  3. Press Ctrl + (+) to enlarge the form or Ctrl + (-) to reduce it.
  4. Repeat the previous step until the page is displayed at the desired size.

Zoom Slider

The Zoom Slider (which can be found on the bottom right of each form) allows you to dynamically change the size of the return from 25% to 200% actual size.

Zoom Slider

Both features apply only to the screen view; print sizes remain the same. Also, these settings only apply to the current return, and are not saved when you close the return.


See Also:
